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Writer's pictureKaty4Justice

Student Series #5

Status: Current Katy ISD student, Estudiante actual de Katy ISD

Graduation year: 2022

Topic: Racism/Homophobia, Racismo/Homofobia


In my Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance class, I dealt with two boys that were racist and would call me and my friend (we are both African-American) different names or they would mock us. They also referred to me as “the other one” because there were only two African-American girls in that classroom and my name to them was “the other one.” They would also try and bring up the racist stereotypes of Black women being angry by pushing our buttons and making us angry and then would ask us why we were getting so upset with them. They would talk about this pretty loudly in the classroom and I am pretty sure that my teacher could hear what they were saying. It wasn’t bad during the first semester of the class because our teacher would put a stop to it if she heard it. However, during the second semester it got much worse and we had to bring in the APs. There’s another boy (aside from these boys) who would also make racist and homophobic jokes such as “I don’t like Black people but I like making Black people jokes” and “I don’t like gay people but I love to make fun of them and make jokes about them and with them." He even plainly said “I hate gay people and Black people” knowing (because I have openly talked about it with my friend with him around) that I am a bisexual African American woman.

En mi clase de Principios de Negocios, Mercadotecnia y Finanzas, traté con dos chicos que eran racistas y me llamaban a mí y a mi amiga (ambas somos afroamericanas) nombres diferentes o se burlaban de nosotras. También se referían a mí como "la otra" porque solo había dos niñas afroamericanas en ese salón, entonces mi nombre para ellos era "la otra". También intentaban probar el estereotipo racista que las mujeres negras siempre están enojadas al presionar nuestros botones y haciéndonos enfadar y luego nos preguntaban por qué nos enojábamos tanto. Hablaban de esto en voz alta en el aula y estoy bastante segura de que mi maestra podía escuchar lo que decían. No estuvo tan mal durante el primer semestre de la clase porque nuestra maestra los detenía si los escuchaba. Sin embargo, durante el segundo semestre la situación empeoró mucho y tuvimos que incorporar los directores asistentes (APs). Hay otro chico (aparte de estos chicos) que también hacía bromas racistas y homofóbicas como "No me gustan los negros, pero me gusta hacer bromas a los negros" y "No me gustan los homosexuales, pero me encanta hacer bromas sobre ellos y con ellos.” Incluso dijo claramente “Odio a los homosexuales y a los negros” sabiendo (porque he hablado abiertamente de ello con mi amigx con él) que soy una mujer afroamericana bisexual.

Additional info:

Many people that go to Katy ISD schools are extremely racist or extremely homophobic and are not afraid to show it

Muchas personas que van a las escuelas de Katy ISD son extremadamente racistas o extremadamente homofóbicas y no tienen miedo de demostrarlo.

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